S01E05 Key

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Alphablocks字母积木 Season 1 Episode 05 Key

When C and K find out they make the same sound, they decide to hold a contest. Who will win?


C is cracking cracks to her sound. She meets her brother K who is kicking the ball to his sound while R counts the keep-ups. C thought K is copying her. C’s cracks ruin K’s keep-ups. C and K decide a contest. K does it on E and Y.

k-ey, KEY!

And a key appears.

C says her sound is the best. She does it on A, G, and E.

c-a-g-e, CAGE!

A cage falls onto everyone except E, G, and Y. As K takes the key to the locked door, there is no keyhole. So, C and K join together to make the CK sound.

How will they get out?


  • LICK – L, I, and CK lick an ice-cream.
  • ROCK – The cage is rocking.
  • SACK – S jumps in a sack race.
  • SICK – S, I, and CK turn green, and their letter tops turn red.
  • SOCK – A stinky sock appears.
  • LOCK (star word) – A keyhole appears on the door. K frees himself, C, and the other Alphablocks.

Unusual (But Actual) Words


Characters (in their order of appearance)


  • EY
  • CK


  • Key
  • Cage
  • Sock
  • Sack (game only)
  • Sick (game only)
  • Rock
  • Lick (game only)
  • Lock


  • Total words: 5 (TV version), 8 (game version)
  • When R counts, she starts at 80. A, E, G, I, L, O, S, and Y join in at 97.
  • This is the first appearance of digraph CK, who only says the sound in this episode (3 times in the TV version; 6 times in the game version).
  • This is the only appearance of digraph EY and the first appearance of Magic E.
  • Neither E nor Y talk solo in this episode.
  • A and G only say their sound in this episode.
  • G stays saying her soft sound (sounding like “/dʒ/”) in this episode.
  • When E, G, and Y are left behind, they spell out the Hungarian word EGY, meaning “one”.
  • B, D, F, H, J, M, N, P, Q, T, U, V, W, X, and Z are absent in this episode.
  • U is the only vowel who did not appear in this episode.
  • The holes in the cage are actually big enough for the alphablocks to escape.


Slio Agrey
  • When K kicks his ball the 97th time, L and S swap their places.
  • R’s hat is missing while the cage is rocking.
  • When K opens the cage, everyone but L escapes. It’s unknown why.
  • Y in the EY digraph should be striped, because it’s working as a vowel.


  • K: Looks like I’m the king of the /k/’s! …no keyhole!?
  • C: Copycat!
  • R: Rrrr! What’s that rotten smell?
  • I: I don’t feel good.
