分类: Peppa Pig小猪佩奇全季带字幕
Peppa Pig is a British preschool animated television series produced by Astley Baker Davies. The show features the eponymous pig along with her family and friends. Each episode is approximately five minutes long (with the exception of a 10-minute special and a 15-minute special). There have been six seasons as of 2019. The sixth season began airing on February 5, 2019 in the UK. Peppa Pig has been broadcast in over 180 countries.粉红猪小妹(Peppa Pig)是英国儿童 动画 电视连续剧,由阿斯特利·贝克·戴维斯( Astley Baker Davies)制作。该节目以同名猪以及她的家人和朋友为特色。每集大约五分钟长(特别节目10分钟和特别节目15分钟除外)。截至2019年已有六个季节。第六个季节于2019年2月5日在英国播出。Peppa Pig已在180多个国家/地区播出。截至2020年10月7日,已播出316集《粉红猪小妹》
Peppa Pig小猪佩奇第四季带字幕
Series 4 (2011–12)
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