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Alphablocks字母积木 Season 1 Episode 19 Space
Space is the 20th episode of Alphablocks Series 1. In this episode, S, P, A, C, and E question what is in the unknown sky, called “space.”
S, P, A, C, and E ask what is up in the air.
s-p-a-c-e, SPACE!
S, P, A, C, and E appear in a spaceship. F comes to see them, but F has to fly anywhere else. E wants to escape.
- ACE – Magic E has an ace card.
- CAP – C wears a cap.
- PEA – P eats a pea.
- SEA – Water appears out of the window.
- APE (star word) – An ape drives the spaceship back to Alphaland. C thanks the ape. S is still wondering what’s up there, but E is glad to be home.
Unusual Words
a hollow, flexible structure resembling a bag or pouch.
a mineral spring considered to have health-giving properties.
Characters (in their order of appearance)
- EA
- Space
- Escape (stealth word)
- Eap (nonsense word)
- Pea
- Sea (game only)
- Cap (game only)
- Ace (game only)
- Ape
- Total words: 3 (TV version), 6 (game version)
- B, D, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, Q, R, T, U, V, W, X, Y, and Z are absent in this episode.
- No words are made with F.
- At ONE POINT of the Alphablocks episode, the Alphablocks spelled out “ESCAPE”.
Nonsense Words
Stands for employee assistance program.