S02E15 Zap

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Alphablocks字母积木 Season 2 Episode 15 Zap

Zap is a 15th episode of Alphablocks Series 2


Y sees Z sleeping. P pops in. A drops in between Z and P.

z-a-p, ZAP!

Z zaps away his letters. Z calls them back, but falls asleep again. Y has to get the letters back. K comes to help.

y-a-k, YAK!

A, Y, and Z ride a yak in search for the missing letters. P pops back.

y-a-p, YAP!

Y, A, and P yap loudly, but Y warns them not to yap because that wakes Z up. L sings him a lullaby. E yells out his sound with his loudhailer when is warned not to by Y.

y-e-ll, YELL!

“Yell, yell, yell, yellllll!” Z wakes up and falls off the spooked yak running away. He doubles up. Y tells ZZ what happened to the single Z. ZZ sends in J and A.

j-a-zz, JAZZ!

Jazz music plays, but it’s no use. ZZ sends in D for marching music and G and I to form a word.

z-i-g-z-a-g, ZIGZAG!

A zigzag is drawn out of z’s! Z calls the letters for attention and falls asleep. Everyone laughs as the episode ends.

Characters (in their order of appearance)


  • LL
  • ZZ


  • Zap
  • Yak
  • Yap
  • Yell
  • Jazz
  • Zigzag


  • Total words: 6
  • B, C, F, H, M, N, O, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, and X are absent in this episode.
  • D, E, G, I, J, and L only say their sound in this episode.
    • However, E can be heard yelling “yell” through his echo-y loudhailer.
  • The music played on the jazz is “Busy E“.
    • The same music plays backwards after the Z’s intake the notes.


  • E mysteriously has no pupils, along with Z in some scenes.