Pronunciation of ED in English

Pronunciation of ED Past Tense, Past Participles and AdjectivesED过去时、过去分词和形容词的发音。

ED appears at the end of regular verbs in the past tense (e.g. wanted, helped, lived) sometimes in adjectives ending in ED (e.g. tired, embarrassed, relaxed) as well as in some Past Participles.ED出现在过去时态的规则动词的末尾(如:wanted, helped, lived),有时也出现在以ED结尾的形容词中(如:tired, embarrassed, relaxed),以及一些过去分词中。

However the pronunciation of ED sometimes causes problems for non-native speakers because it can be pronounced in three different ways: as / id /, as / t / or as / d /然而,ED的发音有时会给非母语人士带来问题,因为它可以有三种不同的发音方式:as / id /,as / t /或as / d /。

(Note: whenever you see letters or symbols between two slash marks (/ /), it refers to the pronunciation of that letter or sound)(注:每当你看到两个斜线符号(//)之间的字母或符号时,它指的是该字母或音的发音)

Before we learn the different ways to pronounce ED, we must first know what voiced and voiceless consonants are.在学习ED的不同发音方式之前,我们首先要知道什么是浊辅音和清辅音。

Voiced Consonants vs. Voiceless Consonants

voiced consonant (or sound) means that it uses the vocal cords and they produce a vibration or humming sound in the throat when they are said. Put your finger on your throat and then pronounce the letter L. You will notice a slight vibration in your neck / throat. That is because it is a voiced sound.

voiceless sound (sometimes called an unvoiced sound) is when there is no vibration in your throat and the sound comes from the mouth area. Pronounce the letter P. You will notice how it comes from your mouth (in fact near your lips at the front of your mouth). The P sound doesn’t come from your throat.

Try this with the other letters and you will “feel” the difference between a voiced and a voiceless consonant (or sound).

Now we know the difference between voiced and voiceless sounds we can look at the following rules for the correct pronunciation of ED in English:辅音(或有声音)意味着它使用声带,当它们被说出来时,它们会在喉咙里产生振动或嗡嗡声。把手指放在喉咙上,然后念出字母L,你会发现你的脖子/喉咙有轻微的震动。这是因为它是一个有声的音。
试试其他字母的发音,你会 “感觉 “到有声辅音和无声辅音(或声音)之间的区别。

1. The /id/ sound

If the last letter of the word is spelled with D or T, the ED is pronounced as a separate syllable with an /id/ sound (it rhymes with kid and lid).如果单词的最后一个字母是用D或T拼写的,则ED的发音是一个独立的音节,带有/id/音(它与kid和lid押韵)。

  • wanted (sounds like “want-id”)
  • waited
  • needed
  • folded

2. The /t/ sound

If the last consonant of the word is voiceless, then the ED is pronounced as a T. Be careful not to create an extra syllable or “id” sound.如果单词的最后一个辅音是无声的,那么ED的发音就是T,注意不要多出一个音节或 “id “音。

  • talked (sounds like “talkt”)
  • kissed (the S sound comes from the front of mouth so it would sound like “kisst”)
  • parked
  • helped

NOTE: As an example, with the word “helped”, if you say “help-id” as a two syllable word, then it is very likely that people will NOT understand the word or what you are saying. (It is pronounced like “helpt”)注意:举个例子,对于 “helped “这个词,如果你把它说成是一个两个音节的词 “help-id “,那么人们很可能不会理解这个词或你在说什么。它的发音就像 “helpt”)。

3. The /d/ sound

If the last letter of the words ends in a voiced consonant (or sound), then the ED is pronounced like a D (without creating another syllable)如果单词的最后一个字母以浊辅音(或音标)结尾,那么ED的发音就像D(不产生另一个音节)。

  • played (sounds like “playd”)
  • closed (the S sounds like a vibrating Z so the word would sound like “clozd”)
  • opened
  • lived

An easy way to remember how to pronounce ED words

The most important thing to remember is that there are two main divisions:

  1. The words that end in T or D
    – the ED is pronounced as a syllable /id/
  2. and the REST of the words
    – you can pronounce the ED as /t/ and people will understand.

In time you will learn when to pronounce the ED as /t/ or /d/.


– ED的发音为一个音节/id/。
– 你可以把ED读成/t/,人们就会明白。


Summary Chart

This is the chart that appears in the video.

Pronunciation of ED in English

Next activities

Pronunciation Game:
Try our game to practice these pronunciation rules by answering questions such as “The ED at the end of the word KISSED is pronounced …” and you then need to choose one of the three alternatives.

Pronunciation of ED in English Game (20 questions)

Pronunciation of ED in English Game 2 (50 questions)

Pronunciation Rules:
You might be interested in the Pronunciation of -S at the end of words in English.