名称复数或动词三单-清清浊浊The sound of the added “s”

How to change your world of /s/ and /z/ sounds

The first reason means you need to be consciously aware of remembering to add the extra /s/ or /z/ at the end of words for the plural and for the simple present verb tense.

You actually have to practice remembering to use it when you speak!

Why should I do this you may ask? Well, it’s another piece of the ‘puzzle’ you are putting into your speech habit to reduce your accent in English and to have people understand you the first time you say something.

The second reason means that you need to know when to use the /s/ or the /z/ at the end  for plurals (and other parts of speech such as ‘likes, walks” etc)



你可能会问我为什么要这样做? 嗯,这是你在你的说话习惯中放入的另一块 “拼图”,以减少你在英语中的口音,让人们在你第一次说话时就能理解你。

第二个原因是,你需要知道什么时候在复数的结尾处使用/s/或/z/(以及其他词类,如 “likes,walks”等)。

Here are the rules to help you:

When the letter ‘s’ is after an unvoiced or quiet consonant, it is
pronounced as a /s/. e.g., hats, tops, works, laughs, what’s, moths.

When the letter ‘s’ is after a vowel or a voiced consonant, it is pronounced as a /z/ sound.
e.g., logs, tubes, beds, moves, becomes, he’s


当字母 “s “出现在青辅音或静音辅音之后时,它的发音为/s/.例如,hats, tops, works, laughs, what’s, moths.

如:logs, tubes, beds, moves, becomes, he’s

Pronounce the ‘es’ as /iz/after the consonants /s/, /z/, /tʃ/, /ʃ/, /dʒ/和/ʒ/ (as in
mirage)- (in ‘es’ /iz/, the schwa sound /ə/ is said like a very short ‘u’ sound)
e.g., passes, beaches, washes, packages, noses, mirages把’es’读成/iz/,在辅音/s/, /z/, /tʃ/, /ʃ/, /dʒ/和/ʒ/后面(mirage).  这6个音就是范老师说说的咝擦音(Sibilant, in phonetics, a fricative consonant sound, in which the tip, or blade, of the tongue is brought near the roof of the mouth and air is pushed past the tongue to make a hissing sound. In English s, z, sh, and zh (the sound of the s in “pleasure”) are sibilants. Sometimes the affricates ch and j are also considered as sibilants.咝音,在语音学中,是一种摩擦音辅音,即舌尖或舌刃靠近口顶,空气被推过舌头发出嘶嘶声。在英语中s、z、sh、zh(”pleasure “中s的音)都是咝音。有时,破擦音ch和j也被认为是咝音。)

If I take some  examples from the words above:

Unvoiced consonants with /s/ after it-

hats – you need to practice the /t/ and /s/ consonants together – make a list of words with this combination and practice till it feels smoother and easier.

e.g, cats, lots, bats, rates, experts, apartments, etc



如:cats, lots, bats, rates, experts, apartments, 等等

You can do the same with the other ones – ps (tops or the verb, stops), ks (backs), fs ( this one is usually only for the verb – laughs coughs etc), ths (baths)

Voiced consonants with ‘s’ said as /z/ after it-

This combination is sometimes a bit harder for people to pronounce, so keep practicing and it will get easier.

beds- you need to practice the /d/ and /z/ consonants together

e.g. words, cards, fades, foods




如:words, cards, fades, foods等。

You can do the same with the other ones – bs (cubs, tubes), gs ( bags), ls (walls, feels), ms (comes, homes, hams), ns (ones, pains, fans), rs (cars, fares, hers), vs (leaves, loves, knives), ws (cows, knows), ys (keys, toys, pays).