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Alphablocks字母积木 Season 1 Episode 03 Top
Top is the third episode of Season 1 of Alphablocks.
When T gets stuck on top of a mountain, A, E, I, O and U come to the rescue.
T hopes to find a place to have tea with O, somewhere with a view. P pops in to help.
t-o-p, TOP!
Suddenly, a mountain appears and O falls off. P pops back, leaving T behind. O lands near the other vowels and tells them what happened. Vowels to the rescue!
A-E-I-O-U! Vowels know what to do! U-E-A-I-O! Rescue T, off we go!
As they come to the mountain, B and G were there to help.
How will they get T down?
- BUG – A bug appears. G tells the bug to save T, but it’s no good.
- BOG – B, O and G are stuck in a bog.
- BAG – A bag appears and out falls a bass guitar, an apple, and a bottle of water.
- BEG – B, E and G beg for T to come down; but still it is no use.
- BIG (star word) – B, I and G grow big. G tells T to get on top. B carries T.
Characters (in their order of appearance)
- Top
- Bug
- Bog (game only)
- Bag
- Beg (game only)
- Big
- When TOP is sounded out, T says “ta”.
- IRONY: The true mission of the vowels is to try and get T back down. However, in the end, T never got back down; instead he gets onto B, with the mission being longer, and harder.
- C, D, F, H, J, K, L, M, N, Q, R, S, V, W, X, Y and Z are absent in this episode.
VOWELS: A-E-I-O-U! Vowels know what to do! U-E-A-I-O! Rescue T, off we go!
G: Go on, get on top.
T: A terrific view! A truly terrific view!