Syllabication Rules分音节规则

3. 音节是由一个元音组成的单一语音部分,有或没有更紧密结合的辅音。
4. 每说一个音节,你的嘴就会开合一次–你的下巴就会下垂一次。
5. 每说一个音节,你的讲话就有一个节拍–一拍。
6. 每一个音节都有一个且只有一个元音。
7. 7. 如果两个元音相邻,千万不要把它们分开,如果它们只带一个音。例子–bread
8. 将两个元音相邻的元音分开,当每个元音带不同的音。例子–video
9. 两个元音之间的单辅音,如果第一个元音是长音,则和第二个元音一起走(vc/v)。例子–robot
10. 两个元音之间的单辅音,如果第一个元音是重音和短音(vc/v),则与第一个元音同音。例子–pity
11. 元音之间有两个或两个以上的辅音——。
12. 如果第一个元音很长,就用第二个元音。例如 “pa.per”
14. 第一个辅音与第一个元音一起,其他辅音与第二个元音一起(vc/cv)。
15. 除非辅音形成混合音,在这种情况下,它们不被分割(v cc/v)。
16. 当两个相同的辅音出现在元音之间时,就会被分割。例子–rabbit
17. 复合词分为组成它们的简单词。例–notebook
18. 前缀和后缀通常形成独立的音节。例子–unkind kindly

3. Syllables are single speech parts made up of one vowel sound with or without more closely combined consonant sounds.
4. Every time you speak a syllable, your mouth opens and closes- your jaw drops once.
5. Every time you speak a syllable, your speech has a single beat- one clap.
6. Every syllable has one and only one vowel sound.
7. Never divide two vowels next to each other if they carry one sound. Example- bread
8. Divide two vowels next to each other when each carries a different sound. Example- video
9. A single consonant between two vowels goes with the second vowel if the first vowel is long (vc/v). Example- robot
10. A single consonant between two vowels goes with the first vowel if the first vowel is accented and short (vc/v). Example- pity
11. Two or more consonants between vowels–
12. Go with the second vowel if the first vowel is long. Example “pa.per”
14. The first consonant stays with the first vowel and the other consonants go with the second vowel (vc/cv)
15. Unless the consonants form a blend in which case they are not divided (v cc/v) Example- without
16. Two identical consonants are divided when they occur between vowels. Example- rabbit
17. Compound words are divided into the simple words that form them. Example- notebook
18. Prefixes and suffixes usually form separate syllables. Examples- unkind kindly