Lesson 15 Mosque School Yasmin went to a mosque school. Adam wanted to go. But he was too little. He wanted to look inside. Adam couldn’t see. He climbed on the lamp post. Adam got stuck. “Oh no,” said his mum. “Help,” called Adam. Everyone ran to help. The firemen came. They got Adam out. “You can go to Mosque School,” said Grandad. “Hooray!” said Adam.
mosque /mɒsk/●●○ noun [countable] a building in which Muslims worship 清真寺
Muslim /ˈmʊzləm/ noun [countable] someone whose religion is Islam 穆斯林,伊斯兰教徒
Islam /ˈɪslɑːm, ˈɪz-, ɪsˈlɑːm/ noun [uncountable] 1. the Muslim religion, which was started by Muhammad and whose holy book is the Quran (Koran) 伊斯兰教〔由穆罕默德创立,奉《古兰经》为圣典〕
go to school/church/work etc
little synonyms small tiny young petty petite antonyms large big huge enormous gigantic colossal
adverb /ˈædvɜːb $ -vɜːrb/ ●●● noun [countable] a word that adds to the meaning of a verb, an adjective, another adverb, or a whole sentence, such as ‘slowly’ in ‘He ran slowly’, ‘very’ in ‘It’s very hot’, or ‘naturally’ in ‘Naturally, we want you to come.’ 副词
a strong upright piece of wood, metal etc that is fixed into the ground, especially to support something 柱,杆,桩 a fence post 篱笆桩
1 STICK/POST 棒/杆 a long stick or post usually made of wood or metal, often set upright in the ground to support something 杆,柱,竿 a telephone pole 电话线杆