Phonics Audio Guide语音指南

Phonics audio guide

There are 26 letters of the alphabet but they make 44 sounds. Use our audio guide to hear all 44 phonic sounds, on their own and in example words.



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Pronunciation of ED Past Tense, Past Participles and AdjectivesED过去时、过去分词和形容词的发音。

ED appears at the end of regular verbs in the past tense (e.g. wanted, helped, lived) sometimes in adjectives ending in ED (e.g. tired, embarrassed, relaxed) as well as in some Past Participles.ED出现在过去时态的规则动词的末尾(如:wanted, helped, lived),有时也出现在以ED结尾的形容词中(如:tired, embarrassed, relaxed),以及一些过去分词中。

However the … Read the rest点击阅读全文 “Pronunciation of ED Past Tense, Past Participles and AdjectivesED过去时、过去分词和形容词的发音。”

英文里 s 后面的清辅音是所谓「浊化」了吗?规律如何?为什么?

在我国英语教学中,讲到所谓「s 后清辅音浊化」时,大概分以下三种:

1. 通常意义的重音音节。比如:stop、spring 这些是要所谓「浊化」的。

2. 非重读音节是否需要所谓「浊化」?下面这些单词应该怎么读:basketball、landscape。

3. 是分开的词或者词头的应该怎么读?比如 ice cream、ice tea、discover。… Read the rest点击阅读全文 “英文里 s 后面的清辅音是所谓「浊化」了吗?规律如何?为什么?”

voiced, voiceless, aspirated, and unaspirated浊音、清音、送气音和不送气音(浊化)

In this episode, we learned 11 Taiwanese consonants and the important features about these sounds: voicedvoiceless, aspirated, and unaspirated.

(These show notes use tables and rich formatting. Please visit the episode webpage for an optimal … Read the rest点击阅读全文 “voiced, voiceless, aspirated, and unaspirated浊音、清音、送气音和不送气音(浊化)”